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Establishment of National…

Establishment of National multi Certificate Authority for the dominant mobile network operator

About the client

Omnitel (TeliaSonera Group)


The main goal was to design and implement fully sustainable multi Certificate Authority, PKI infrastructure, and mobile signature solution and provide digital signature services for end users.


Multi-CA mobile subscriber qualified certificate lifecycle management system and Mobile Signature Service Platform (MSSP) implementation and maintenance. Constant support and additional development was carried out until September 2014.

Common Criteria (ISO 15408) standards were used to evaluate security and assurance levels for similar frameworks (EAL4 is a usual demand for such systems – methodologically designed, tested and reviewed).


  • Wireless PKI
  • Microsoft CA framework
  • Proprietary software Etronika


The system is currently used in Lithuania by 3 biggest mobile operators and several virtual mobile operators worldwide.