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IT Assessment and Development of IT Strategies for Suitable Development in Cambodia

About the client

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Cambodia Office


The Royal Government of Cambodia has recently adopted the fourth edition of its’ Rectangular strategy that puts a specific emphasis on the need to embrace information technology in both public and private sector, as well as improve efforts in relevant capacity building.

The Ministry of Environment of the Royal Government of Cambodia is leading and managing environmental safeguard, biodiversity conservation, appropriate and suitable use of natural resources and sustainable livelihood for long-term benefits for all Cambodian people and the next generations in the Kingdom of Cambodia. It recently developed a five years strategy that enhances and prioritizes institutions efforts under its’ mandate and aims at becoming model organization. ICT can serve as a strong support to institutional modernization efforts and must be an integral part of organizational transformation that is focused on responsiveness, better service delivery, and effective governance.


The general project idea was to provide a holistic view of the current business and IT environment, the future direction, and the initiatives required to migrate to the desired future environment. As well as leverage institution architecture building blocks and components, including externally provided services and related capabilities to enable nimble, reliable and efficient response to organizational strategic objectives.

The goal of the project was to align strategic IT plans with your organization goals and objectives that would allow reaching those and clearly communicate the objectives and associated accountabilities, so they are understood by all, with the IT strategic options identified, structured and integrated with the organizations’ plans.

Services provided

Information Technology consultancy was required to complete the following key activities for MOE and the NCSD:

  1. Review institutional strategies
  2. Develop technology baselines (capacities, software, hardware and infrastructure)
  3. Analyze results
  4. Bring solutions in the form of “options” including the identification of risk i.e. security
  5. In accordance to points 1-4 above, develop IT strategies for MoE and NCSD