NRD Companies together with a lead partner – CSI Piemonte works on the EuropeAid Enhancing eGovernment project for the Republic of Macedonia.
The purpose of this project is to improve the delivery, quality, number and scope of e-services to citizens and businesses of the Republic of Macedonia. Among others, the project will include digitalisation of registries, development of new e-services and their integration with the national portal for services, as well upgrade of the electronic authentication system.
It is expected that the project will extend the list of available e-services (with approximately 110 new services, as currently there are 50 services available that are most commonly used) on the National portal for citizens and businesses.
We are proud of this professional partnership an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the quality, number and scope of e-services to citizens and businesses of North Macedonia
By digitalising the data and the procedures for issuing licences and permits and other business-related documents and procedures, the project will improve the delivery and quality of public services regardless of the channel of their delivery.
Partners: CSI (Italy) – Lead Partner, NRD Companies (Norway), Infosoft Systems (Albania), ikubINFO (Albania)