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NRD AS and ISACA Tanzania Chapter signed a Memorandum of Understanding

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Norway Registers Development (NRD) AS, partly financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), has finished a mission in Tanzania. The purpose of the visit was to expand the operations in Tanzania / EAC through partnerships and to establish a Tanzanian Entity to deliver professional quality services in the areas of cyber-security, defence implementation, business continuity planning, IT security controls implementation and auditing.

Cooperation between NRD AS and ISACA Tanzania Chapter

During the visit, a seminar on cyber-security was held in Dar es Salaam, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ISACA Tanzania Chapter was signed. This has put a firm base to the cooperation between NRD AS and ISACA Tanzania Chapter and the development of consultative Tanzanian National Cyber security framework.

The purpose of the MoU signed between the NRD and ISACA Tanzania Chapter is to express common interest and will of the parties to cooperate in the development of consultative Tanzanian National Cyber-security framework and its implementation within public and private sector.  In order to protect the most valuable assets of the country, a secure and continuously working ICT environment is a vital component part of the nation’s security framework. Therefore, the global partnership will work as an advisory body that connects public and private sectors in order to ensure a safe and reliable business environment locally and internationally. To achieve this goal, a complex framework includes but is not limited to auditing, capacity building, preparation of structure and principles, tools and technologies to proactively and reactively automate security. 

NRD AS will ensure that the company's strategy for Tanzania and East Africa will be made known to the authorities and the donor organizations in order to explore if highly recognized qualifications in cyber security and sustainable register solutions are assets that will be welcome as a contribution to the development of Tanzania and the East African Community.
Jon Birger Fjalestad NRD AS Managing Director

NORAD Contribution

The initiative in Tanzania has been partially financed and supported by NORAD. NORAD has got programs to stimulate the development of the private sector in developing countries. Tanzania has been a prioritized co-operation partner for Norwegian aid since 1966. In 2011, Norway contributed 640 million NOK (111,76 million USD) in bilateral assistance to Tanzania, out of which the Economic Development and the Trade and Good Governance sectors received respectively 373 million NOK (65 million USD) and 51 million NOK (8,9 million USD). The support that was allocated to NRD AS comes from a special support facility whereby NORAD works with Norwegian companies.

War Against Cyber-Crimes

In the global war against cyber-crimes both NRD and ISACA rely on highly competent information security specialists as their greatest asset. ‘That is why this international partnership with experts from NRD AS is very promising’, – said Boniface Kanemba, ISACA Tanzania Chapter President. ‘Making the benefits of new technologies in the war against cyber-crimes available for private and public sectors, improving business environment in East Africa, and strengthening friendship between Norway, Tanzania and Lithuania, through BAIP, are just a few of the perspectives it offers.  This will also be a step towards achieving one of the eight UN millennium development goals for Tanzania (‘Develop a global partnership for development’). It is internationally recognised that improvement of economic development to a large degree depends on private initiatives and investments. Therefore, we are very proud of this MoU’.  


ISACA is an independent, nonprofit, global association, engaging in the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems. ISACA provides practical guidance, benchmarks and other effective tools for all enterprises that use information systems. Through its comprehensive guidance and services, ISACA defines the roles of information systems governance, security, audit and assurance professionals worldwide.

About NRD AS

NRD AS was represented jointly by the company itself and its sister company BAIP UAB working and developing the cyber-security expertise in the areas of East Africa as one team. Both companies are subsidiaries to BAIP Group, a group of companies that specialises in the field of critical information systems for governments and corporates.

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