Global information technology and consulting group NRD Companies will contribute to the implementation of Saint Kitts and Nevis National Statistics Development Strategy (2015-2020) by developing the Statistical Business Register. The 6 months long contract was signed with the Ministry of Sustainable Development of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Good, reliable statistics is essential for measuring progress in reaching development goals and providing essential information about the effectiveness of country’s policies and programmes. It helps governments improve their work as well as be transparent and accountable about the delivery of results.
The GSKN has prepared the National Statistics Development Strategy (2015-2020) in an effort to address existing deficiencies and improve overall statistical capacity. The goal of the NSDS is to strengthen the National Statistics System (NSS) by developing an integrated, harmonized and coordinated system which generates adequate, relevant, coherent, timely and quality statistics to meet national, regional and international data needs; guide national development planning; and facilitate monitoring and evaluation of programmes and initiatives.
Design and construction of a Statistical Business Register which is an object of the contract with NRD Companies is part of this strategy. The system will cover the following functional areas:
• Data collection from various data sources;
• Data preservation;
• Analysis and queries (including visualisation);
• Data dissemination (transferring / sharing / publication).
St. Kitts and Nevis is an upper-middle income country with strong development indicators. Over the last three decades, SKN experienced sustainable economic growth as it transitioned from an agricultural to a service-based economy, with tourism being the main source of employment.