Established by an Act of Parliament in 1998, the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) operates as a commercial public enterprise responsible for nationwide postal services. Its mission is to provide innovative communication, distribution, and financial solutions to customers across Kenya, creating value for stakeholders. The Post Office remains Kenya’s most accessible, affordable, effective, and time-tested communications platform, with over 500 outlets spread throughout the country.
The evolution of postal operators worldwide has seen significant changes over the years, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and evolving societal needs. Originally focused solely on delivering letters and parcels, postal operators have embarked on a transformative journey to adapt to the demands of the modern world. Today, they must navigate a complex landscape where traditional mail services intersect with digital communication and e-commerce.
In this changing landscape, PCK is no exception. Recognizing the decline in popularity and use of traditional postal services globally and within the country, PCK is increasingly embracing digital domains and related services. It understands that diversification and digitalization are crucial for national postal operators to ensure sustainability and viability. PCK aims to enhance the role of the postal network in Kenya by bridging the gap between physical and digital societies, particularly for underserved populations such as the poor, elderly, rural, and peri-urban segments of the population.
Currently, the Government of Kenya has made commendable efforts to bring a wide array of public services online, with approximately 8,000 government services already available digitally. The accessibility of these services is further supported by the Huduma program, which serves as a physical place to deliver semi-digital government services to residents and businesses in urban areas. Despite the ongoing ambitious initiatives, they continue to face challenges and limitations with delivering digital government services to the population in rural areas, where approximately 70% of the country’s population resides at the moment.
NRD Companies’ provided services

Envisioning the possibility of transforming the existing limitations into opportunities, where the PCK expands the reach of government services to ensure even remote regions can access essential digital services, NRD Companies and PCK have partnered for a consultancy project. Together, NRD Companies implemented the project titled “Feasibility Study for the Provision of Digital Services via the Postal System in Kenya,” funded by the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Fund of the Republic of Lithuania.

Through this project, NRD Companies goal was to develop a roadmap for bridging the gap in digital government service delivery in the country, particularly in underserved areas, leveraging PCK’s extensive network and resources.
The project logic was based on the following fundamental pillars, resulting in key deliverables:
- Analysis of global and Lithuanian best practices for ensuring citizens’ access to digital services and their applicability in Kenya, given Lithuania’s recognition as one of the most advanced countries in government e-services accessibility, ranking 7th in terms of e-governance maturity in the European Commission’s eGovernment Benchmark 2023.
- Feasibility study assessing the viability of establishing an additional channel for accessing digital government services in Kenya by leveraging the existing network of postal offices.
- Guidelines for securing funding for further modernization of PCK to provide digital governmental services.

The project yielded a thorough and confirmed feasibility for PCK to play a significant role in enhancing the accessibility of government services to underserved communities in the country. This should be achieved by providing an additional channel for accessing public services tailored to the existing needs of these communities.
The work conducted within the project enables the Kenyan government and PCK to chart their path forward in a data-driven, transparent, and efficient manner. It offers a clear vision of strategic and regulatory, operational, technical, and financial feasibilities, as well as main risks, timelines, stakeholders, and expected improvements.
Without doubts, the discovered outcomes, under the proper implementation, will deliver benefits to three main categories of beneficiaries:
- Vulnerable people groups in rural areas (including women, persons with disabilities, low-income individuals, and the uneducated) via bridging the digital divide, empowering inclusion, and digital literacy, reducing costs of services.
- Businesses operating in rural areas via simplified service access and enhanced market reach.
- Government institutions via extending the coverage of service delivery, reducing operational costs, improving data collection, and increasing citizens’ engagement.
Another significant result of the project lies in the clear understanding gained by PCK about the possibilities that exist for the postal network in Kenya in terms of being a core component of digital government service delivery, as well as how and where to find the possibilities and resources needed for further facilitating the transformation.
While consultancy services are typically considered non-replicable due to their customized and context-specific nature, the underlying logic of intervention and the expertise possessed by the NRD Companies team in the realm of digital transformation of postal offices and other governmental actors can be applicable to a broad range of projects with similar characteristics. While certain methodologies and frameworks may have general applicability across various projects, our team understands the importance of taking into account the nuances of each consulting engagement. We are committed to offering tailored advice and solutions that are specifically crafted to address the unique challenges and objectives of each client and country.
SDGs Addressed

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
This project closely aligns with SDG 16 by promoting peaceful and inclusive societies. By making government services more accessible to underserved populations through the postal network, it aims to foster inclusivity and accountability. This initiative contributes to SDG target 16.6 by enhancing the effectiveness of governance systems and supports SDG target 16.10 by ensuring access to information and services in line with national and international standards.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Addressing SDG 10, this project focuses on reducing inequalities by providing access to digital government services for all citizens, regardless of background. By bridging the gap between rural and urban areas, it promotes social, economic, and political inclusion.